Saturday, November 6, 2010

Staff training -Bush style!

I really need to post more... I will work on that! The staff training in Bering Strait School District is very different from the other 5 districts I've worked in. Since most staff is in remote access villages, they fly everyone to a central location, in this case -Unalakleet (pronounced "you-na-luck-leet" or how everyone around here says it "you-na-kleet"). All the teachers, who don't live in town, stay in the school -air mattresses are provided, bring your own sleeping bag! Each school is assigned a classroom -though there are also male-only and female-only rooms for those who prefer that. One of our teachers stays with friends in town, but all the rest of us stay in the same room. This is a fun way to get to know your coworkers -big slumber party!!!

 Nick and I on the way to New Teacher Orientation
 BSSD "School Bus"
 I call shotgun!!!  This is the best seat on these little planes.
 Nick and I waiting to go home after 3 1/2 days of New Teacher Orientation
 Nick taught math and science last year to grades 7 - 12.  This year, we have an additional teacher for math, so he is just science.
 Jill finding a place to sit (she teaches grades 2, 3, and 4)
 The pilot is inside loading the luggage area.
 Amanda (English and History grades 7-12) and Maude (grades K/1) waiting for meeting to start
 Poor Nick.... I kept asking others to take pictures of me and they kept making Nick jump in also, since it was also his first year.
 The school district has a hanger and a gas tank in Unalakleet for the plane.
 Seal Island in Norton Sound
 Nick listening attentively
 Beats sitting in chairs for 8 hours
 More "hurry up and wait" - b/c you can't rush a plane!
 Margaret Koegler (principal) conducting a session with husband Alan (grades 5/6 and special ed) "listening" in the background.
 Private planes, ERA planes (yes - Jim Tweeto from Flying Wild Alaska) and wind mills up on the hills.
 Finally going home after 2 weeks of training.
 Inside of our "school bus"

That being said, I had new teacher training August 10th - 13th in Unalakleet, then flew back to Golovin for a weekend of unpacking and meeting a few more people, then back to Unalakleet for full staff training August 16th - 19th. I really like flying on the small planes!! I even got to fly in the copilot's seat on the way back from training on August 19th!!! You can see so much more from the front - I love it!!!

The following week, while K-12 kids were starting school, all of the ECE (Early Childhood Education) teachers went to Nome to have training with the Kawerak staff. Kawerak is the organization in this area that sponsors Head Start. My students are actually in a Head Start program that has a licensed teacher in the room, employed by BSSD (Bering Straight School District) - that's me!!
 Igloo #1 - LOL
 Brenda - one of my co-teachers
 Annette -Brenda's older sister, my other co-teacher
Cleaning after training
 Still cleaning
 The man with the hat is our SUPER TALENTED pilot - he will fly in ANYTHING!  Students and staff both have reports of sideways landings, getting their heads bumped on the roof, etc.

 9 different teachers from 9 different villages. Five teachers had to fly ERA.
 I was at the store before getting on the plane asking if anyone needed anything.  They all said EGGS!  Our little store was out, SO I brought home 10 dozen eggs and sold them to the other teachers, saving 12 for me!!

SO, while in Nome, the school district put us up in the Aurora Hotel -one of 2 hotels in town and it is super nice!! Our training was all week and very informative. I learned a lot and enjoyed getting to know all the staff from the different sites!! This will be the only time I see the other ECE teachers until October... SO different from the east coast!

So, during my first month in Alaska, I was in my house a total of 10 nights, took 9 plane trips (7 of them being bush planes -9 seats or less), and stayed in 4 different towns!! Now THAT'S a way to start a new job!!!!!!

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