Sunday, August 22, 2010


WOW!! Golovin is a pretty little village. It is on a point, so to the north, south, and west you see water and in all directions you see mountains also!! I was picked up by one of the maintenance men, Sonny, and taken to my apartment where I met my principal! I walk into my apartment and WOW -all my tubs and boxes are there -I don't have to move them!! How nice. I spent Sunday evening and Monday and Tuesday morning meeting a few other teachers and unpacking and just walking around the town. My classroom is actually in the EDA building which is owned by the Native Corporation. It is a 10 minute uphill walk from town. It is a really nice walk now, but should be interesting in the winter!!! I love being able to see the entire village as I am walking down -it is really special. I think I'm going to love it here in Golovin!!!!!

 Golovin airport from the plane.
 Full moon rising and reflecting on the bay.
 Sunset over the Lagoon

 spare bedroom -now has a boiler in it
 My bedroom.  Many teachers use aluminum foil instead of blackout curtains.
 Standing in the kitchen facing the living room and door.
 Standing in the living room facing the kitchen and bathroom.
 About 15 steps outside of house!

 My side of the building ends just before the right edge of the picture.
 My house
 Truck to deliver water to the people who live up the hill.  People who live downtown are on the city water grid, except for the school - who has their own water tank (though they pay the city to fill it in the summer).
 After making my bed, of course.
 Cutting zip ties off of the totes.
 Breaking into the boxes and totes - all 27 of them.
 When buying sugar.... seal in a bag BEFORE taking to the post office!!!
 EDA building - owned by Chinik Eskimo Community, or the Native corporation.  Houses Head Start, EPA, and other positions funded by Kawerak.  On the right is my classroom and on the left is a large community room and kitchen.  There is also a bedroom in the back that people can rent.
 11 pm sunset between Washeteria and power station.

 resolution is lousy, but this picture was taken from my door
 my shed -in other areas where I have lived, this would just be a porch.  it acts as storage and helps keep snow out of your house when the wind blows like crazy
 Standing just inside
 view from kitchen window
 Golovin power station

Sunrise over bay

Moving to Alaska!!


Glacier sliding into lake

Glacier Trails

Glacier Trails
August 2 -I flew to Anchorage!!! It was soooo exciting... I was blessed to get an exit row, window seat for the 8 hours from Atlanta to Anchorage... and then even better, I was on the right side of the plane. What does that mean? Coming across from Canada into Alaska, I had a great view of the mountains and glaciers and they were beautiful!!!! I took 25 pictures!! I arrived at 6:30 to very friendly teachers who got me settled in and then one of the district office people took us all out to eat!!!! Went to the Sourdough Mining Company -which used to be a gold mining company and now is an excellent restaurant!!

My room at University of Alaska Achorage

My View from the UAA room

I spent the week in Anchorage -staying at the University of Alaska for only$50/night -far cheaper than any other place in Anchorage during the summer. I got my drivers' license, a phone -my first phone with a plan and camera, and some food! I visited Earthquake park, where you can still see the damage from a 1964 earthquake that caused an area in Anchorage to just cave in. I also met up with a friend who happened to be in town and we went out to a great pizza place!!

On August 6th, I flew to Nome where I spent the weekend with a friend. We went berry picking and salmon fishing and four-wheeling down the beach! We also made a fire on the beach and cooked hotdogs!! It was a wonderful time!!! I boarded an airplane for Golovin on Sunday afternoon -so exciting... going to see my new home for the first time!!!!!
Hot Dogs on the Beaches of Nome!

The rough areas are literally hundreds of salmon spawning in just a foot or two of water!

AHHHH!!!   The Bering Sea is quite refreshing this time of year!!!!!
Rock from the side of a hill -mined and chopped up to build sea walls and make gravel.

Sunset over the Bering Sea

Who knew it could be this calm between the US and Russia -hahah!!!!

A walk by the Bering Sea

Successful berry picking! Salmon (Cloud), blue, and black (like currant) berries

I went berry picking with Charles!

I forgot to get a picture of the gold-mining camp on the other side... but who would've thought to see that in Nome?

Packing up for our fishing trip and ride on the beach!

The arch!!  They drag it onto the road for the mushers to cross under in March!!!

This was SOOOO fun!!!!  Though driftwood burns fast -there was plenty of it!

A salmon or cloud berry -sweet and tart at the same time!

Salmon -yum!!!!

White Alice (0n top of Anvil Mountain)- government is deciding her fate now that the Cold War is over.

 So this was taken a month after my first trip to Nome, but I thought it fit here.
Inside the big gold pan!
 Reindeer tracks on the beaches of Nome!

 I love finding these purple starfish!!

My first flight on a bush plane!!!  Golovin, here I come!!!!!

 Past Rocky Point

 This is why you have to wait until it freezes to take a snow machine or 4 wheeler to Nome!

First glimpse of my new home!!

I later learned that this is downtown.