Friday, October 7, 2011

After the blizzard

Snow blindness is a crazy thing, especially when if stays so white!!!  The wind is also an amazing aspect of nature.  Even after those two days of heavy snowfall, there were still a few places where the snow was so thin you could see the dirt underneath - and at the same time 8 foot snow banks and snow up to rooftops dotted the village.  It was so incredibly beautiful.  These pictures are not all in order, but they are all following the blizzard.
 An 8-ft high snow bank - in later weeks, the kids would make tunnels through them that were quite impressive and fun! I wish I had taken a picture or two of them.
 Adult labor - a neighbor helps dig out the door more.  This was about 3 weeks after the blizzard.  Notice the snow sliding down the roof.
 The front of the school the day after the blizzard.
 This is 4-6 weeks after the blizzard.  The snow has packed down several feet and it is still pretty high in many places.
 This bank lasted a good 6 weeks since it is in the shade!  This was the week after the blizzard though.
 Child labor - HEY!  Everyone pitches in around here so that the principal doesn't have to keep climbing up just to get out of her house!  Notice the yellow spots everywhere?  This is clearly the downside of having dogs in Alaska - hahaha!!!
 After a snow like this, the whole world's a playground -at least for some!
 OK, so this is like 2 months after the blizzard and the last of the snow was starting to melt and slide off the roof in big sheets.  Sort of annoying - so what do you do????
 Climb up there and get busy!!!!
 The snow dachshund!!!
 This was the first day after the blizzard - and the snow tasted so fresh!!
 I was house, dog, and child sitting for a coworker who was stuck in Anchorage during this time.  This is the view during the blizzard.  That house is just 15 feet away and you can barely see it!
 Ever had a dog pee on YOUR roof???  It's a whole new territory up there!!!!
 Over the next few weeks, the dogs would climb up there and sunbathe!!!  So funny!
 Snow machine pulling kids on a sled!  Sure looks like fun!
Finally.... after 8 weeks (first week of May), you can walk straight in to the door!  What this doesn't show is that the ground is 4 steps down from the door - haha!!!!  I think we finally saw those the beginning of the third week in May.
 The swings....
 The rest of the playground.
 When you were a kid, how often did you want to swing from the top bar of the swings??
 Enough said.
 Good thing this family was out of town!
 The angle of the wind blew this channel along the side of my building.  Neat, huh?
 Another example of the wind creating paths.
Still trying to dig out the principal and her husband!

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