Friday, October 7, 2011

Blizzard - February 2011

Back last February, we had a true blizzard.  Nearly steady 55-60 mph winds blowing for two days and dumping LOTS of snow!!!!  OK, so the second day, the wind was maybe only 50-55 - can you tell the difference!!  It was truly awesome!!!  I understand "white-out" conditions on a whole new level!!  School was actually closed for the first day and delayed for the second day.  It was the first time in 12-15 years that school was closed for snow.  I was one of the lucky ones - I could get out of my house with very little work.  The way my house faces, the wind blows through, only dropping a little snow.  So, I had maybe 2 feet in front of my door compared to 1/2 the villages , who had snow nearly or completely to the roof.  For several reasons, I had to get up to my classroom both days - that was truly adventurous!  Walking was slow and very thought-out, to keep from dropping into a drift.  I learned that if you feel yourself walking uphill, that the other side of the drift is usually a drop off.  I learned the hard way to inch your foot in front of you and feel for semi-solid or solidness before marching on (since I couldn't see much of where I was going.  OH.... and if you start to fall off the drift, loosen up and bend your knees so they don't lock up.  I walked into the backside of a few drifts - that was a funny experience.  OK, so walking off of a drift was fun - but I suspect it is only because I landed safely!  Snow machines don't do well in large amounts of fresh snow and neither do 4-wheelers. 

  This video is from the second day of the blizzard, taken from the top step of the EDA building -where my classroom is.  I was still under the roof and bracing myself against the side of the building trying to hold the camera still.

 Amanda about 10 feet in front of me preparing to try and dig out our principal's door.
 The inside of my shed - not what you would call weatherproof - but I like that my trash freezes so I can throw smelly stuff away!!!!
 Amanda again, when the wind briefly died down.  That faint blue line?  That is the eaves of our principal's roof!!  No wonder school was cancelled.

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